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Please, check our SMD/THT services -; from idea to ready devices                                                                                                                                   


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      VBXE project was started in 2005 by Tomasz Piórek (Electron/TQA), and first public announcement was made in March of 2006.  Since that time, VBXE project has been improved by Candle`o`Sin - Video DAC has been changed, microcontroller responsible for FPGA core management functions was swapped from PIC to ATMega48.  Recently, new live was pumped into project - another VideoDac change, few minor changes. Newest version - 2.1 - is 100% compatible with it`s ancestors, is made on automatic assembly lines and it is 100% ROHS and environment friendly.


Device info: 

  • RGB output providing crisp clear picture using LCD TV or RGB monitor

  • up to 1024 colors on screen from 21 bit palette

  • graphics resolution up to 640x480i (640x240p) in 64 colours, 320x240p in 1024 colours, and 160x240p in 1024

  • true 80 char mode for text display

  • blitter with 7 modes of operations capable of zooming displayed data, transparency, collision detection and many other features

  • full downward compatible with GTIA chip

  • and many, many more



  • white colour VBXE board

  • adapter for Atari XE



  • If you are not familiar with soldering or you do not have proper tools, please LET a pro technician do it for you or send me your ATARI BOARD for installation. Contact me to arrange installation.
  • Please remeber - wrong tools usage or low skills may damage atari and ultimate; any damage/harm to your hardware is NOT subject of any kind of warranty.
  • Installation is easy, but unexperienced hands can do a lot of damage. Please, do not ask me questions WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG WITH INSTALLATION - answer will be always the same - I DO NOT KNOW










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